The future of corporate mobility
Jan Kalle Wulf and Mathias Quetz, mobility experts at Riverty, share their insights on the transformative power of mobility budgets in a guest article for firmenauto.

Flexible, fast and simple - that's what mobility has always had to be. But what is the situation today? For companies in particular, there are additional requirements for the mobility mix and individual preferences. In times of climate change and a shortage of skilled workers, topics such as sustainability, employee retention and employer branding must be included in the decision-making process - both in fleet management, in tax departments and in HR and management. The trend clearly points in the direction of a mobility policy that holistically regulates the mobility needs of companies in the future. Jan Kalle Wulf and Mathias Quetz, mobility experts at Riverty, explain how this transformation can succeed via mobility budgets.
Read the full article at firmenauto. (German content)