More digitalisation for more trees
Digitalisation has increased rapidly in recent years and undoubtedly has the potential to improve and simplify our lives. From more efficient work processes and social interactions to innovative environmental solutions, the digital revolution is opening up numerous opportunities. At the same time, however, it brings with it challenges such as the need for increased data security or the loss of real social contacts. The focus of the Financial Guide is on the benefits of digitalisation. Of course, this also brings its challenges, and we don't want to withhold these from you.

What is actually meant by the term digitalisation?
Basically, digitalisation is the conversion of analogue data and processes into a digital form. This includes, for example, the conversion of paper documents into digital text documents or the conversion of cassettes into MP3 files. Digitalisation not only affects our private lives, but also the economy and companies by changing and digitalising processes, forms of work, customer interactions, products and services.
What general benefits does digitalisation offer society?
We encounter digitalisation every day in our daily lives. Be it online shopping, binge watching, listening to music, working, reading, learning, or living. Digitalisation has literally moved into our homes. It can be seen in products, such as Alexa and smart TVs, but also in smart furniture or light switches. The coronavirus pandemic has shown us just how important and essential digital transformation really is. It was the only way that virtual school lessons, online team meetings and meetings via Skype or Zoom with friends or family were possible at all during the contact restrictions.
Identity theft and data protection
As more and more business processes and personal data move into the digital space, the risk of data breaches, such as identity theft, is also growing. Identity theft occurs when a "data thief" misuses personal data, such as address, date of birth or account details. This information is often used to order goods online or conclude contracts at the expense of the person concerned. The risk of phishing, data theft and other forms of cybercrime is an everyday and serious threat. Sensitive data must therefore be continuously and adequately protected. Find out how you can protect yourself against identity theft here.
Restriction of real contacts
Digitalisation can also go hand in hand with a reduction in real social contacts. Digital means of communication can replace face-to-face meetings - what was a blessing during the COVID-19 pandemic can now lead to a feeling of isolation. Social ties and a sense of community are important aspects of private and professional life.
Environmental protection
One positive aspect of digitalisation is environmental protection.
The digital transformation is making a significant contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions and petrol consumption. Working from home, which is now a common working model, can reduce commuting and business travel. Video conferencing and digital communication tools replace physical meetings, reducing the need for air and car travel. This leads to a lower environmental impact and an improvement in air quality.
Digital communication also significantly reduces paper consumption. Electronic invoices, contracts and means of communication, such as e-mails and digital archives, are increasingly replacing paper documents. This leads to an enormous conservation of forests, as fewer trees have to be felled for paper production, which is a clear indication that more digitalisation means more trees. In addition, the environmental impact of water consumption and energy use in paper production is reduced.
Thanks to digitalisation, working across locations and countries is part of everyday life. Through the use of clouds, video conferencing and other digital tools, it is possible to communicate in real time and work together on projects worldwide. This global networking promotes collaboration across geographical borders and opens up new opportunities to gain access to a broader talent pool.
Time and cost savings
Digital communication drastically reduces the need for traditional mail. Documents can be sent immediately by e-mail or other services. This speeds up business processes considerably, as the time-consuming dispatch and processing of physical documents is no longer necessary. Companies can respond more quickly to customer enquiries and organise internal processes more efficiently. In addition, the costs for paper, printer ink and postal charges are reduced, resulting in considerable savings.
The option of virtual meetings can also significantly reduce business trips and the daily commute. This saves travelling costs and time spent travelling to and from work. This also reduces the ecological footprint, which helps to protect the environment.
Always up to date
Digitalisation gives you endless access to the latest information. With just a few clicks on your smartphone, tablet or laptop, you have direct access to news, social media and real-time notifications. With access to online databases, digital libraries and search engines, you have the ability to stay educated and competitive in an ever-changing world. In terms of your professional life, you can keep your expert knowledge up to date and expand it through further-education opportunities, such as online courses and webinars, which can improve your career opportunities. But it's not just about competitiveness and career opportunities, it's also important to be up to date on a personal level. Digitalisation makes it possible to stay in touch with people who are close to you, but who may live in another city or even another country. Friendships and family are an essential part of our lives, and it is important to maintain them properly. So, stay connected!
Digitalisation offers numerous advantages that go far beyond the immediate efficiency gains. It makes a significant contribution to environmental protection by reducing the consumption of resources and lowering emissions. At the same time, it promotes global collaboration and enables flexible working models. By using digital technologies responsibly, we can not only improve the way we work, but also actively contribute to protecting and preserving our environment. More digitalisation can actually lead to more trees and therefore to a more sustainable and liveable world for us all.