Latest news on our Female Mentoring Program

Female Mentoring coming to an end
Together with the women's network "Riverty United Women", the Young Talent Management Team created the female mentoring program to connect motivated Management Associates and Trainees with successful and experienced career women – now after nine months of experience, we can definitely say: It was a win-win for all.
Initially the program focused on supporting young women in their upcoming career as women still face other challenges when it comes to climbing the career ladder. This makes it all the more important to encourage young women and put a female role model at their side."This program enabled our trainees and management associates to learn from strong personalities in our women's network and grow beyond themselves. And the feedback from our mentees and mentors says it all”, Carolin Wendelgaß, Senior Team Lead Young Talent Management, emphasizes.
The mentees and mentors of the pilot group often meet up on a biweekly basis to catch up and exchange their perspectives on current issues. From questions regarding personal development to dealing with complicated situations and professional advice, the mentees were able to bring their individual topics to the table enabling them to take an individual approach as Sonja Schaupp, Management Associate to Tech Lead 3DC&DP, explains. “I have learned that career paths at Riverty can look very different and that there is no single, very specific pre-condition for any path, but that it instead can be taken and achieved from different starting points”.
However, not only the mentees from our women’s network had the chance to learn from their mentors, but also the other way around. When describing the female mentoring program only one word comes to Local Unit Lead UK, Debbie Nolan’s mind: “Essential. Especially since my mentee and I worked in completely different areas of the organization, our sessions helped me take new thoughts into account and broaden my horizon”. As we at Riverty work with one another in a crossfunctional way, it is all the more important that we consider different perspectives and think outside of our own bubble.
At the end of the program, all five tandems were convinced: It was a great experience. “It really made me feel heard. Knowing that my mentor has achieved what they did in spite of experiencing similar challenges got us talking openly and created a safe space”, Rachel Pinto, International Trainee at Riverty emphasizes. And exactly this confidential space is what we now want to offer all young talents at Riverty.

Carolin Wendelgaß
Senior TL HR Talent Management
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