Boosting Team Bonding and Well-being through sports
Check out how our team in Tallinn has been actively participating in company sports activities since 2021. From bowling and curling to winter and spring games, we've done it all. Join us in discovering the joys of company sports and take your team bonding to the next level!

Our team has been actively participating in Company Sports activities since 2021, and we're thrilled to say that we've been doing incredibly well! The number of active participants is growing with each event, and we love seeing more and more of our colleagues get involved.

Benefits of Sports & Health Clubs at work
Ivar Laes (Local IT Manager & IT Security Manager): "Riverty Sport and Health Club has given me the opportunity to represent my Company on a different level compared to my everyday job. The biggest value it has given to me besides the competition against other IT companies, is the possibility to get to know my other colleagues whom I don't work together with every day. It has made the present and future communication better on many levels.“

Joys of sports at work
Kristjan Pettai (Product Owner): "I like that our company is actively participating in these events. Sporting helps you to take time off and care for your mental and physical health. Usually, after these events, I feel much more energetic and can focus on the work also better."

Positive Impact of Health Clubs on Personal and Professional Growth
Michiel Oude Alink (Support Service Owner): "Participating in the health club has benefited me in many positive ways. First of all it is just a lof of fun to be able to take part in these events and meet other likeminded people. It is also nice to be able to do these events with my colleagues so I can interact with them outside work and learn more about who they are as a person. Lastly I think it is also very helpful in introducing you to sports you would otherwise not think about doing, and giving you a chance to try them out!"
Not only have we improved our health and well-being through these events, but we've also had a blast bonding with colleagues from different teams in a fun and exciting way. It's been a great opportunity for team members to try out new sporting activities they might not usually get to experience. From team-building exercises to competitive events, we've done it all and achieved some fantastic results.
To be continued
In 2023, we're continuing our participation with even more enthusiasm! We've already done bowling and curling and even participated in winter games. We're now looking forward to the Spring Games and can't wait to show off our skills once again. Proud to be a part of this fantastic team and excited to see what we'll achieve this year!

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