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Global People Analytics: Data-driven decisions for greater employee experience

People analytics, intelligent data analysis, enables HR managers to make data-based, forward-looking decisions. Companies are increasingly turning to this data-driven approach to retain employees in the long term.

Baden-Baden, feb. 19, 2022
Global People Analytics

Data-driven actions instead of making decisions based on instinct. In times of digitalization, data competence is the key to success as a company. Every day, companies collect data from their customers to better serve their needs. But data collection also holds potential within a company - especially in HR.

The fact that the HR department deals with employee data is nothing new. Key figures, such as hiring or turnover rates, were already documented in HR before the digital transformation. "People analytics is not just about measuring actual states, but also about finding out the reasons behind developments. We not only answer the question of 'what', but also 'why'. Ultimately, the combination of these two data sets provides us with the basis for improvements," Kai Burr, Head of HR at Arvato Financial Solutions, explained at the "StrategieTage HR" conference. The cross-industry resonance reinforces his decision to further integrate People Analytics into HR processes.

Newly gained insights from anonymized interviews, surveys and standardized HR data can be used to positively shape employee experiences within a company. "For example, our staff has reflected to us that they would like us to provide more opportunities for development. In addition to offering additional learning options, we created new internal career pages to specifically address this request. We will also accommodate their demand for more transparent information flows through the use of an inclusive intranet, an accessible communication platform," Burr explains, and continues, "People Analytics gives our employees the opportunity to share their needs with us, and in turn, gives us the chance to respond. Ultimately, changes like these are what makes our employees stay with us."

Over Riverty

Een wereld waarin het bedrijfsleven voorziet in de behoeften van de mensheid. Waar financiële technologie een verschil maakt. Waar iedereen de baas is over zijn eigen financiële leven. Bij Riverty bouwen we daaraan, samen. Met een team van meer dan 4000 experts in 12 landen vinden we slimmere, eenvoudigere, naadloos verbonden manieren om uw geld te beheren. Van flexibele betalingen tot boekhouding, onze holistische oplossingen stellen iedereen in staat om zijn beste financiële leven te leiden. Het is tijd voor een nieuw tijdperk van economische vrijheid.


Dario Artico

Corporate Communication / Press Contact
Riverty Group GmbH
+49 7221 5040 3060
